She is a mystic and prophetic visionary

We marvel at the mystic and prophetic dimensions of the life and spirituality of our Foundress, Mother ThatipathriGnanamma. She was in perfect union with God, enabling her to confront a multitude of challenges, uncertainties, and setbacks. The divine energy within her guided her to recognize opportunities and explore solutions for the illiterate women of her time. Her unwavering commitment, passion, and perseverance continue to inspire us to navigate uncharted paths and elevate us to new levels of development.

God’s amazing grace and call to Gnanamma

Many times, God’s call comes in unexpected ways. It’s astonishing to consider the life of Mother Thatipathri Gnanamma in the context of the Word of God. She did not harbor extraordinary ambitions or magnificent dreams. As a humble widow, she was inconspicuous in society. Yet, God chose her to enlighten the lives of illiterate girls. Her contemplation, courageous surrender, and creative response sowed the seeds for a powerful Congregation.

(i). Her contemplative activism

Just as a mother knows her child, an artist knows their work, a musician recognizes their music, and contemplatives know God, they find themselves immersed in an ocean of tranquility, free from external fears, cravings, desires, drives, pain, compulsion, or attachments. It is said that the awakened soul perceives reality at its deepest level and comprehends the purpose of life. Mother Gnanamma, though uneducated, was aware of the obstacles preventing girls from accessing education in Kilacheri.

There were likely numerous issues hindering societal welfare at that time. Mother Gnanamma identified women's illiteracy, rooted in gender discrimination, as a major problem requiring immediate attention. Inspired by the Lord, who listened to the cries of the Israelites, she pondered over the situation.

(ii). Her courageous submission to the Will of God

In the Gospel, we find how Mary was astounded at the message of God, but she responded to God’s call and so made herself ready for God’s service when she said, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord. Let it be with me according to Your Word” (Lk 1:38). Humbleness blending with courage, she recognized the greatness and holiness of God and consented to God’s Will. It becomes true in the life of our Mother Gnanamma too. Once she realized the need for education for girls, she sought the advice of Fr.Arokianathar. Widows of her time were shunned by the patriarchal society.

In the Gospel, we learn how Mary was astonished by God’s message, yet she responded to His call and prepared herself for His service by saying, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord. Let it be with me according to Your Word” (Luke 1:38). With humility combined with courage, she acknowledged the greatness and holiness of God and consented to His Will. This truth is reflected in the life of our Mother Gnanamma as well. Upon recognizing the necessity of education for girls, she sought the guidance of Fr.Arokianathar. Widows during her time were marginalized by patriarchal society.

Yet, nothing deterred her from initiating a school for girls. An explicit example of her courage and commitment is evident in the fact that she traveled to her native place, Phirangipuram, sold her properties and invested the proceeds in educating the underprivileged girls at Kilacheri. Therefore, courage is essential to walk the path of righteousness, to express solidarity with the poor, and to fight for justice.

(iii). Her creative response

A man from Macedonia pleaded with St.Paul in a vision, saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us” (Acts 16:9-10). Upon seeing this vision, St.Paul immediately journeyed to Macedonia and proclaimed God’s message to them. The intuitive mind is indeed a sacred gift. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we can discern God’s plan, discover our strengths, and enrich others with new beginnings. As a woman of God, Mother Gnanamma was able to discern the Will of God and respond to the situation creatively. The transfer of her advisor, Fr.Arockianathar, to Bellary did not hinder her initiative to educate women.

Instead, she seized the opportunity for the formation of Arulamma and Agathamma at St.Anne’s Novitiate of the Good Shepherd Congregation in Bellary. We often encounter events and experiences that appear simple at the time but can have a significant impact in the future. Knowledge allows us to perceive things as they are, but God’s grace encourages us to envision things as they could be.

In her, there was total surrender and commitment

The life of Mother Gnanamma was characterized by a selfless dedication to the welfare of others. The noble qualities of our Foundress inspire us to fully commit ourselves to the cause of uplifting the lives of the less privileged in society:

  • (i). She renounced
    Once she realized she had a calling to promote the cause of women, she sold all her possessions and dedicated her assets to the realization of her mission by establishing a school for girls. To ensure the continuity of her good work, she founded a Congregation, despite being only an illiterate widow.
  • (ii). She announced
    Even though she was married, she lived a life of selfless service and served as a witness to Gospel values. In this manner, she lived as an unprofessed religious. Convinced that her work was ordained by God, she surrendered herself completely to God’s plan, akin to a child.
  • (iii). She pioneered
    Gnanamma fulfilled her responsibilities despite facing tremendous difficulties and challenges. As a young widow, she raised her five sons with a strong Christian faith. She spearheaded the establishment of a school for girls, challenging the cultural norms of her time.
We are in the footsteps of Mother Gnanamma!

Mother Gnanamma’s unwavering faith in God and profound love for the poor empowered her to emerge as a prophetic visionary of the 19th century. Her spirituality continues to inspire us today, urging us to rejuvenate our thinking and approach to action in light of the current circumstances.

As contemplatives, we are called to live following Gospel values, diligently seek God’s ways, refine methods to contextualize our vision, and effectively respond to the present situation.

Being courageous includes denouncing injustice, renouncing selfish motives, facing the challenges with determination, and expressing our solidarity in the struggles of the poor.

By being creative, we should broaden our vision, anticipate the future of the Congregation, invigorate our ministries with innovative methods, and harness the collective resources and strengths of the sisters to reach out to the people.


The spirit of Mother Gnanamma is so vibrant that she captivates the hearts of people worldwide. Her bold decision to relinquish her possessions and comfort to empower women through education inspires us to explore new avenues to assist the marginalized. The continuous stream of visitors to her tomb in Kilacheri, along with the graces and favors received through her intercession, has spurred our desire to see her elevated to the Lord’s altar for the greater glory of God and the enhancement of faith and holiness among His people. Therefore, our Congregation submitted a petition for the Beatification of Mother ThatipathriGnanamma to Most Rev.Dr.GeorgeAntonysamy, Archbishop of Madras - Mylapore, on September 21, 2013, to obtain the necessary Nihil Obstat from the Congregation for the Cause of Saints and eventually appoint a Board of Inquiry. After reviewing the petition and consulting the competent Congregations at the Vatican City, the Holy See declared ThatipathriGnanamma as ‘Servant of God’ on January 21, 2014.

The Archdiocese of Madras-Mylapore has thus initiated the Cause of the Sainthood of Servant of God Thatipathri Gnanamma. By the grace of God, the Solemn Closing Ceremony of the Diocesan Inquiry on the Life and Heroic Virtues of Servant of God Mother Thatipathri Gnanamma took place on July 22, 2022, at St.Thomas Cathedral Basilica in Santhome, Chennai.