The invitation to continue Jesus ‘Healing Ministry’

The ministry of healing embodies compassion and love. When Jesus heals individuals, he demonstrates God’s forgiving love that restores and makes people whole. We are called to emulate this example. This is exemplified in the parables of the prodigal son, the lost sheep and coin (Luke 15), and the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). The Samaritan displays love by tending to the wounded man, soothing his injuries with oil, and ensuring his recovery in an inn. This exemplifies the essence of love. Therefore, caring for the sick is integral to advancing the proclamation and realization of the Reign of God, in alignment with the option for the poor (Matthew 25:31-46). Healing is thus an essential component of our mission.

Embedded within the culture and context of India, our Congregation has embraced healthcare ministry as its primary focus, recognizing it as fundamentally synonymous with promoting life in its myriad dimensions. We are keenly aware that “The Gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus’ message,” as articulated by Pope John Paul II, who further elucidates that “The Church considers service to the sick as an integral part of its mission.”

Our vision

In solidarity with the suffering, to work for a healthy society and to contribute towards a just society.

Our Strategies

  • Health education as a preventive care Health education is fundamental to promoting healthy living. As such, we prioritize education at all levels, including grassroots, schools, and colleges, as well as within the communities we serve.
  • Health care for the poor Our healthcare ministry is dedicated to serving the needs of the poor, particularly in rural areas and among marginalized and vulnerable groups. Given the socio-economic and political landscape of India, our healthcare efforts are primarily directed towards addressing the needs of the impoverished.
  • Community health care We extend our focus beyond curative and preventive healthcare to encompass community healthcare. This approach empowers people to collectively exercise their rights and responsibilities in achieving and maintaining their health. Our efforts aim to raise awareness, promote consciousness, and provide health education to the community.
  • Collaboration is essential Collaboration, networking, partnerships, and advocacy in health issues are imperative in the current landscape. Therefore, we engage in collaboration at various levels, including within Church institutions, NGOs, government structures, and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Promotion of alternative systems of health care We possess a rich array of traditional systems of medicine, including homeopathy, Ayurveda, herbal remedies, Siddha, and others. Additionally, naturopathy, acupressure, and acupuncture are among the alternative systems utilized. Our centers actively promote and encourage the utilization of these traditional systems, which include effective home and herbal remedies, as well as various health practices.
  • Promoting the holistic healthcare Health encompasses the fulfillment of one’s basic needs and the cultivation of harmonious relationships with others, nature, and God. To be truly effective, any health assistance provided to an individual must be comprehensive and holistic. Our healthcare approach acknowledges and addresses the physiological, psychological, social, and spiritual needs of each person, recognizing the interconnectedness of these dimensions in achieving overall well-being.

Our Orientations

  • To ensure the availability, affordability, and accessibility of quality health services, particularly in underserved areas.
  • To contribute to preventive, diagnostic, curative, and rehabilitative activities related to prevalent health issues.
  • To strive for the highest possible level of health.
  • To empower our target population to lead fulfilling lives by alleviating physical and mental illnesses.
  • To offer first aid and emergency treatment at homes in rural villages.
  • To collaborate with voluntary organizations, government agencies, other congregations, and like-minded volunteers and groups.
  • To expand our understanding and deepen our values in a healthcare environment increasingly driven by commercial interests.
  • To enhance our knowledge through participation in meetings, seminars, social forums, and ongoing higher education opportunities.

Regular activities in our health centers

  • Promoting preventive measures through health education (in our schools, orphanages, villages, parishes, institutions, formation houses, etc.), as well as health camps (including blood donation, AIDS awareness, eye check-ups, diabetes check-ups, asthma check-ups, arthritis check-ups).
  • Operating mobile clinics in rural villages.
  • Conducting outreach programs, such as awareness-building seminars, rallies, campaigns, and camps, including special programs like disaster management, and implementing government and Catholic Church policies/programs in India.
  • Collaborating with NGOs and governmental organizations.
  • Providing home-based care for the elderly and bedridden patients.
  • Offering education in alternative medicines like homeopathy and herbal remedies.
  • Providing discounts for the poor and offering medicine free of cost to those in need.
  • Establishing new facilities and enhancing existing ones.
  • Employing qualified professionals for respective positions within the centers.

Health Ministry in Germany

Our sisters render health ministry in Germany in the following places:

No Place Mission Station
1 Bermersbach in Freiburg Archdiocese In the Social Stations
2 Angeltuern in Freiburg Archdiocese
  • Pflegeheim (Altersheim-Aged Home) in Boxberg
  • In the social station.
3 Gerlachsheim in Freiburg Archdiocese
  • Sozialstation St.Kilian, Caritas Dienste gGmbH, Tauberbischofsheim.
  • Sozialstation St.Kilian, Caritas Dienste gGmbH, Tauberbischofsheim.
  • Johann Bernhard Mayer Aged Home, Caritasverband im Tauberkreis e.V.
4 Leutershausen in Freiburg Archdiocese Kirchliche Sozialstation Bergstrasse-Steinachtal e.V, Schriesheim.

List of our health centers in India

No Place Name System of medicine
1 Arambakkam Mother Joseph Hospital Allopathy
2 Arasadipatti St.Mary’s Health Centre Allopathy, Siddha
3 Ayyampalayam - Nellur St.Anne’s Homeopathic Centre Homeo, Siddha, Pranic Healing, Naturopathy
4 Belpahari St.Anne’s Health Centre Allopathy
5 DoddaAlahalli St.Anne’s Health Centre Allopathy
6 Dudhani - Dumka Mobile Clinic Allopathy
7 Jaidoh (Meghalaya) Mother Gnanamma Health Centre Alopathy
8 Jetti Hundi St.Anne’s Hospital Allopathy
9 Kadambathur St.John’s Dispensary Allopathy
10 Korkollu St.Anne’s Health Centre Allopathy
11 Kurumilangudi Mother Gnanamma Health Centre Allopathy
12 Metagalli St.Anne’s Health Centre Allopathy
13 Nagamangalam Bethsaida Health Centre Allopathy
14 New Town (Kolkata) Health Work in the College Hostel Allopathy
15 Perungudi (Madurai) St.Joseph’s Health Centre Allopathy
16 Sitheri St.Anne’s Dispensary Allopathy
17 Thatchur St.Joseph’s Dispensary Allopathy
18 Thandeswaranallur St.John’s Health Centre Siddha
19 Thondamanthurai St.Paul’s Health Centre Allopathy


Over the past years, significant changes have occurred in the provision of healthcare services within our Congregation. It is fair to say that working in a healthcare setting today is highly competitive. To maintain competitiveness, we may need to adapt our approach and actively engage in advocacy efforts. Effectively advocating for our cause and achieving a strong and respected Charism, aligned with the goals of our Congregation, requires a comprehensive understanding of the values, costs, and benefits associated with our services.

Our efforts in preventing illness and promoting health among rural populations hold great significance. As we contemplate the future, we believe it is essential to reaffirm the prophetic role of nurses. We have been entrusted with a crucial mandate: to bring the healing presence of Christ to the sick, downtrodden, and marginalized. May the Divine Healer, Jesus, bless our collective endeavors in the Church's healing mission, fostering the creation of a better society.