The origin of our Congregation traces back to the 19th Century in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. It was founded by Thatipathri Gnanamma, a laywoman. She was an ordinary woman who hailed from Phirangipuram, a small village in Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. Gnanamma was married to Innaiah, a catechist of Phirangipuram. This pious couple was blessed with five sons. Unfortunately, Gnanamma became a widow at the early age of 37. Left alone to raise her five boys, she put her entire trust in Divine Providence and raised her children with a strong foundation in the basics of the Christian faith. Four of her sons joined religious life, Read More...

Small but Special!

Epochs are often born in a simple manner, emerging from the lives of ordinary people. These men and women are primal energies, sanctified even before birth. These history-makers are frequently individuals without significant historical backgrounds, lacking any notable roots to boast of. Yet, they are truly the saints of the Universe. The wonder that these men and women inspire in our hearts transcends imagination, deeper than the seas and higher than the mountains. “This indeed is the work of God, a delight for our eyes...” (Psalm 118:23) Read More...

The legacy of our Congregation forms the foundation of our identity. However, as the world continues to evolve and new societal needs arise, we strive to innovate our approaches to be creative, competent, and community-oriented. The spirit of our commitment is both generative and empowering, particularly for the vulnerable. These traits are inherited from our Foundress, Mother Thatipathri Gnanamma, who responded to the plight of illiterate women in Kilacheri by offering spontaneous and liberating assistance. She was solely inspired by the Spirit of the Lord, who bore the cross to liberate the oppressed.


Our dedication to empathize with the sufferings of the oppressed and contribute to their upliftment originates from the call we have received from Jesus Christ to follow Him. This commitment entails a profound connection with God, an understanding of His plan for the world, and a vision of the new heaven and the new earth attained through contemplation and prayer. Our unity with God compels us to engage in the struggles of the marginalized, as our faith teaches us that God resides among the poor.

We become engaged in God’s mission of salvation only by participating in the struggles of. Read More...

Our Mission

Education Ministry

Gender inequality pervaded the whole world in the 19th century, and India was no exception. The condition was notably worse than Read More...

Health Ministry

The ministry of healing embodies compassion and love. When Jesus heals individuals, he demonstrates God’s forgiving Read More...

Social work

Our Social Work Ministry is directly inspired by the vision of our Foundress, Servant of God Mother Thatipathri Gnanamma. Read More...

Evangelization Ministry

We bear witness to the new reality of the Kingdom inaugurated by Jesus, a Kingdom not founded on power and money (Lk 22:25-26), Read More...

Media Ministry

Jesus’ final instruction to us was a call to proclaim the Gospel to all nations. Our Lord invites us to participate in His mission. Read More...

Formation Ministry

The search for religious life with the Sisters of St.Anne - Madras (SSAM) progresses through various stages as individuals transition Read More...


The origin of our Congregation traces back to the 19th Century in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. It was founded by Thatipathri Gnanamma, a laywoman. She was an ordinary woman who hailed from Phirangipuram, a small village in Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. Gnanamma was married to Innaiah, a catechist of Phirangipuram. This pious couple was blessed with five sons. Read More...

Our Congregation was raised to the Pontifical status on 6th, December, 1979 by Pope John Paul II. The Generalate is located in Madavaram - Chennai. In 1987, our Congregation was divided into three administrative regional units with separate headquarters in Bangalore, Chennai and Tanjore. These regions were elevated to the status of Provinces in 1999. In 2014, Read More...

The journey which Gnanamma took in 1874 with just two young professed sisters, has reached the state where we are today. We march on with great vigour reaching out to the people who are on the periphery. We continue to engage in ministries that affirm the original spirit of our Foundress. Today, we are a band of willing hands, committed minds, and compassionate hearts. Read More...